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Please find here our “Terms of use”, our “Code of Conduct” , our  “Privacy Policy”, our “Terms of Service” and our “Cookies Policy”

In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), Bit2Lend SA informs that it owns the website WWW.PYCKIO.COM. In accordance with the requirement of article 10 of the aforementioned Law, Bit2Lend SA informs of the following information:

The owner of this website is Bit2Lend SA. The contact email address for the company is:
User and responsibility regime
The navigation, access and use of the website of Bit2Lend SA confers the condition of user, by which they accept, from browsing the website of Bit2Lend SA, all the conditions of use established here without prejudice of the application of the corresponding regulations of mandatory legal compliance as the case may be.
The website of Bit2Lend SA provides a great diversity of information, services and data. The user assumes his responsibility in the correct use of the website. This responsibility will extend to:
 The veracity and legality of the information provided by the user in the forms extended by Bit2Lend SA for access to certain content or services offered by the website.
 The use of the information, services and data offered by Bit2Lend SA contrary to the provisions of these conditions, the Law, morals, good customs or public order, or that in any other way may cause injury to the rights of third parties or the same functioning of the website.
Link policy and liability exemptions
Bit2Lend SA is not responsible for the content of the websites that the user can access through the links established on its website and declares that in no case will proceed to examine or exercise any type of control over the content of other sites in the network. Likewise, it will not guarantee the technical availability, accuracy, veracity, validity or legality of sites external to your property that can be accessed through the links.
Bit2Lend SA declares to have adopted all the necessary measures to avoid any damage to the users of its website, which may arise from browsing its website. Consequently, Bit2Lend SA is not responsible, under any circumstances, for any damages that the user may suffer from Internet browsing.
Bit2Lend SA reserves the right to make the modifications it deems appropriate, without prior notice, in the content of its website. Both with regard to the contents of the website, as in the conditions of use thereof, or in the general conditions of contract. Such modifications may be made through its website by any form admissible in law and
they will be of obligatory fulfillment during the time in which they are published in the web and until they are not modified validly by later ones.
Online contracting services
Certain contents of the Bit2Lend SA website contain the possibility of contracting by Internet. The use of the same will require the reading and obligatory acceptance of the general conditions of hiring established for this purpose by Bit2Lend SA.

Bit2Lend SA informs that to make the online purchase will be redirected to the website.
Data Protection
In accordance with the regulations in force in Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that your data will be incorporated into the treatment system owned by Bit2Lend SA, with the purpose of facilitating, expediting and fulfilling the commitments established between both parties. In compliance with current regulations, Bit2Lend SA informs that the data will be kept for the period strictly necessary to comply with the aforementioned precepts.
Until you tell us otherwise, we understand that your data has not been modified, that you agree to notify us of any variation and that we have your consent to use them for the purposes mentioned.
Bit2Lend SA informs that it will proceed to treat the data in a lawful, loyal, transparent, adequate, pertinent, limited, exact and updated way. That is why Bit2Lend SA undertakes to adopt all reasonable measures so that these are suppressed or rectified without delay when they are inaccurate.
In accordance with the rights conferred by the current regulations on data protection may exercise the rights of access, rectification

SSL Certificate (Secure Sockets Layer)
The SSL CERTIFICATE provides authentication, privacy and information security between Bit2Lend SA and the user.
Bit2Lend SA has a security certificate that is used by SSL CERTIFICATE to make secure connections.
In this process several parameters are established to make the connection in a secure way and it is established using preset keys, coding and decoding all the data sent until the connection is closed.
Intellectual and industrial property
Bit2Lend SA by itself or as an assignee, is the owner of all the intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as the elements contained in it (for example, images, sound, audio, video, software) or texts, trademarks or logos, combinations of colors, structure and design, selection of used materials, computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, etc.), owned by Bit2Lend SA. They will, therefore, works protected as intellectual property by the Spanish legal system, being applicable both Spanish and EU regulations in this field, as well as international treaties relating to the subject and signed by Spain.
All rights reserved. Under the provisions of the Law on Intellectual Property, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including its method of making available, all or part of the contents of this web page, for commercial purposes, are expressly prohibited. in any support and by any technical means, without the authorization of Bit2Lend SA.
The user undertakes to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by Bit2Lend SA You can visualize the elements of the portal and even print them, copy them and store them on your computer’s hard drive or on any other physical medium, as long as it is solely and exclusively for your personal and private use. The user must refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security system that was installed on the pages of Bit2Lend SA.
Legal actions, applicable legislation and jurisdiction
Bit2Lend SA also reserves the right to file civil or criminal actions it deems appropriate for the improper use of its website and content, or for the breach of these conditions.
The relationship between the user and the provider will be governed by the regulations in force and applicable in Spanish territory. If any dispute arises, the parties may submit their disputes to arbitration or go to the ordinary jurisdiction, complying with the rules on jurisdiction and competence in this regard. Bit2Lend SA has its address in MADRID, Spain.


Code of conduct
The user – member must accept these conditions of use and the contract conditions of Bit2Lend SA and must also comply with all applicable laws. You must use the platform correctly and respect the code of conduct established in this section, as well as take into account the regime of responsibilities established in the conditions of use and in the contracting conditions.
In Bit2Lend SA we inform about the behaviors that we do not consider appropriate and act accordingly to the following uses, actions, omissions or statements that the mimbro performs, by virtue of the relationship that binds it to Bit2Lend SA
 Act dishonestly or unprofessionally.
 Publish inappropriate or inaccurate content.
 Harass, abuse, threaten or harm another person or user – member of Bit2Lend SA.
 Use or publish in Bit2Lend SA through images, videos or any comment in the profile that may hurt the sensitivity of the user – members, as well as discriminate against any condition, race, ethnic group, nationality, religion , sex, sexual orientation, disability or illness, or that are illegal, insulting, abusive, obscene, discriminatory or for other causes considered to be reprehensible
 Use the account of another person or create a false identity in Bit2Lend SA.
 Make false statements that impersonate the identity.
 Include content that contains computer viruses or others that can eliminate, interrupt or hinder the correct navigation of Bit2Lend SA. -To sell, sponsor or obtain economic benefit through Bit2Lend SA without the authorization of Bit2Lend SA or if another method provided by Bit2Lend SA has been established for the management of an exclusive service.
 Share information of people who are not users – members without their express consent.


Pyckio is a sports betting international community which aims to allow tipsters to interact with bettors from all over the world through

(hereinafter, ‘the Website’) corresponding to the homepage of the Website. The use of the Website confers you the condition of a user of it and implies the full acceptance of the legal requirements included in this Privacy Policy.

Pyckio is committed to safeguarding your personal information as well as guaranteeing the correct processing of the data that you provide to us during the use of the Website. This Privacy Policy offers all the necessary information about the processing of data that Pyckio undertakes.

Pyckio reserves the right to amend and modify this Privacy Policy in order to adapt it to new legislation or case-law. You will be given advanced notice of these changes before its implementation. Once these changes have been announced, the use of our Service will imply its acceptance.

Applicable Law

This Website complies with all European and Spanish laws concerning the protection of personal data, particularly with the Spanish Data Protection Act 15/1999 (hereinafter, the ‘LOPD’), dated 13 December, and its enforcing regulation. Pyckio has implemented the technical and organizational measures to avoid the loss, misuse, variation, non-authorised access or data theft. These measures have been implemented according to the available technology, the nature of the data and the specific risks to which they are exposed.

Security measures 

We inform you that in regard to the processing of your data, Pyckio has implemented the security measures required by Spanish Royal Decree 1720/2007, dated 21 December, approving the Regulation that develop the LOPD (hereinafter, the ‘RLOD’). Moreover, Pyckio installs any other additional technical measures for avoiding the loss, misuse, variation, non-authorised access or data theft.

When the registration is required for using any of our Service, you may choose a personal password. You are the sole responsible for safeguarding the password you use to access the Services and for any activities or actions under your password. You agree to inform Pyckio as soon as possible about the non-authorised use of your User name and personal password or any malfunction within the security system. Pyckio will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the failure to comply with the above.

Data collection 

You shall identify yourself in order to use the services provided at The required data shall be accurate and updated for the correct provision of the services.

Your data will be processed for the purpose of meeting your requests concerning, among others, the registration of picks, the participation in contests, general information, etc. Pyckio will solely process those data collected from you through the forms available at the Website or any other data which might be collected afterwards for the compliance of the purposes expressly indicated by you.

Your participation in the activities provided by the Website will require your registration and the creation of a user account. In this account, you shall introduce your username and the password requested during the signing up.

The current data processes made by Pyckio are the following ones:

-          User account: for getting an account you shall provide an e-mail address and select your country of residence. These data will be linked to your profile.

These data will be inputted to a personal data file registered by Bit2Lend SA, at the Spanish Data Protection Agency. The submission of these data implies your full acceptance of this registration.

-          Contact: Whether you want to contact Pyckio for sending comments or enquiries about the Service, you shall provide your name or username and e-mail address. These data will be inputted to a personal data file registered by Bit2Lend SA at the Spanish Data Protection Agency. The provision of your email address implies your full acceptance of this registration.

-          Comments: You have the possibility of sharing your ideas and comments to the different timelines by providing your name and e-mail address which will be inputted to a personal data file registered by Bit2Lend SA at the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

These data will not be transferred to third parties unless you have given your informed consent about the transfer and its purpose.

Veracity of the data

The personal information provided by you shall be accurate and current. You shall fill at least the required fields in the registration form. According to the Terms of Use, if you do not comply with this requirement, you will not be able to use the Service. 

Whether Pyckio has indications that the data is not accurate or whether it has to be completed, Pyckio reserves the right to require you additional information or to verify it using the method of contact you had previously provided for the registration or for filling the corresponding form.

You are responsible for the accuracy of the data provided to Pyckio and it is expressly forbidden the identity theft and the provision of third party data without its consent. Whether Pyckio becomes aware of the existence of identity theft, your user account will be deleted and we reserve the right to take the appropriate legal actions.
Publication of data

Some information, like the username, might be seen by the rest of users in certain cases, for instance, during the publication of the pick. However, you can change or remove any information you have provided at any time except the picks which will remain visible for the other users.


Pyckio will contact with you via e-mail to the e-mail address you have provided in the corresponding field. You may oppose to the reception of such e-mails by sending a request to


You shall be 18 years old to use the services provided through Minors are not allowed to use our services.




These Terms of Service describe the terms on which you may make use of the services provided by Bit2Lend SA including the navigation and participation at Pyckio. The reading of these Terms is a previous and necessary requirement for your participation on our website

Pyckio is an international Sports Betting community where tipsters like you submit their picks and, also, interact with other users. By using our Service, you will have the chance to become a PRO Tipster according to the goals and requirements established in the Website. 

We are not a bookmaker. We just provide you a platform for publishing yours and other Tipsters’ picks. Pyckio will not be liable for the use you give to the information published on our Website.

Terms of Service offers you the necessary information about some of the characteristics of the Service, such as the rules of participation. Your continued use of the Website indicates your full agreement without any reservation of the Terms.

Rules and guidelines


You may follow any policies made available to you within the Service. For the registration, you may introduce the personal information required. You are responsible for the accuracy of that information and for the provision of a valid e-mail address. The accuracy of these data allows Pyckio to identify tipsters who take part in the Website. Pyckio reserves the right to require additional data for those cases where it is necessary to verify your identity.  Pyckio reserves the right to eliminate those accounts that breach our terms and conditions or that carry out activities that can damage the Pyckio image and reputation.

During the registration, you may select a username which will identify you in Pyckio and to which your personal profile and your activity will be associated. The username will have to respect the following requirements:

-          It may no content words or expressions which were used by another active Pyckio account that belongs to a third party.

-          It may no content words or expressions which may be considered injurious or defamatory, infringe Intellectual or Industrial Property Rights of a third party, identify a natural or a legal person, or be contrary to Law, moral standards or public order.

-          Pyckio reserves the right to delete any username selected in breach of the previous requirements.

You may also select a password for your account. You are the sole responsible for safeguarding the password you use to access to the Service and for any activities or actions under your password. You agree to inform Pyckio as soon as possible about the non-authorised use of your User name and personal password or any malfunction within the security system. Pyckio will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the failure to comply with the above.

You may upload a profile picture for your account. This picture will be shown with your picks and comments and it may not infringe Intellectual or Industrial Property Rights of third parties; impersonate another person; encourage violence or racism; infringe upon the honour, dignity, personal or familiar intimacy of third parties, or discriminate on grounds of race, sex, nationality, religion or beliefs.

You will relieve Pyckio from liability for the use of the picture. Pyckio reserves the right to delete any picture which was in breach of the previous requirements.

If the user has the email notifications box checked in his/her settings, he/she will not mark as spam any of the emails sent by Pyckio. Otherwise, the user account will be automatically blocked and the user registered email will not be able to be used again at Pyckio. This policy is designed to protect us from the consequences that such an action could have in the service provided by our servers.

Obligations of the parties

Your obligations:

-          You may use the Service in accordance to these Terms of Service, the Law, the Good Faith, the moral standards and the public order.

-          You may not use the Service with illegal purposes that may be contrary to Pyckio’s interests or image including, without limitation, any action that may damage, render useless or overload the Website, or that may affect the contents in an inappropriate, illegal or fraudulent way.

-          You also undertake not to use the Service with the purpose of causing damage to the rights and interests of the rest of the users including, without limitation, to post comments or pictures that may be considered as inappropriate, illegal, racist, obscene, xenophobic, pornographic or defamatory.

-          You are the sole responsible for any contents which was uploaded by you.

-         You are the sole responsible for the accuracy of the data provided, including the username and the password. Any variation on the data shall be notified to Pyckio in order to provide the Service in a proper way.

-         You are responsible for the data provided, including the username and the password. Any action or step made under your password will be understood as made by you, regardless of the use of the account by a third party.

-         It is not allowed to use the Service with commercial, economic or any other purposes which were not considered in these Terms of Service or which were not expressly authorised by Pyckio.

-         It is required to be of legal age to use the Service.

Obligations of Pyckio:

-          Pyckio shall provide the complete information about the functioning of the Service.

-          Pyckio shall enable the participation and enjoyment of the Service by taking the necessary actions.

-          Pyckio shall enable a User Support Center with the purpose of attending to any enquiry, request or claim that may be brought by a tipster.



You may be liable for any breach of the obligations that you have accepted by visiting the Website. Pyckio shall not assume nor accept any liability for any loss or damage caused to a third party because of your use of the Website.


In no event shall Pyckio be liable for the existence of interruptions, temporary inability of access, problems with the availability of the contents or its defects, or the damages that you may suffer because of its use. Pyckio cannot guarantee neither the infallible provision of the Service nor the continuous access to its webpage or third-parties contents.


This Website may contain hyperlinks to websites or resources operated by third parties. Pyckio will not accept any responsibility or liability for any third-party websites and resources and your use of such services and contents must be done at your own risk under its terms of use.

Intellectual and Industrial Property 

We or, where appropriate, the author, the rights holder or its licensor declare that Pyckio is the exclusive owner or grantee of the whole Website, including its design, structure, layout, texts and contents, logotypes, trademarks, Web buttons, images, drawings, source code, and any other Intellectual or Industrial Property rights or distinctive signs. The authorisation for the use of the Website shall not be deemed as a waiver of such rights.

You will retain the ownership rights about the content you have uploaded. By uploading this content you grant Pyckio a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicenseable and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, display or transform it according to the technical needs of Pyckio for the maximum extent permitted under the applicable Law.


Pyckio is committed to safeguarding your privacy. All the personal data and any other personal information collected from you will be treated in accordance to the terms of the Privacy Policy.

Pyckio reserves the right to amend or modify this Privacy Policy in order to adapt it to new legislation or case-law. You will be given a reasonable advanced notice of these changes before its implementation. Once these changes have been announced, the use of our Service will imply its acceptance.


This Website complies with all European and Spanish laws concerning the protection of personal data, particularly with the Spanish Data Protection Act 15/1999 (hereinafter, the ‘LOPD’), dated 13 December, and its enforcing regulation. Pyckio has implemented the technical and organizational measures to avoid the loss, misuse, variation, non-authorised access or data theft. These measures have been implemented according to the available technology, the nature of the data and the specific risks to which they are exposed.


We inform you that in regard to the processing of your data, Pyckio has implemented the security measures required by the Spanish Royal Decree 1720/2007, dated 21 December, approving the Regulation developing the LOPD (hereinafter, the ‘RLOPD’). Moreover, Pyckio installs any other additional technical measures for avoiding the loss, misuse, variation, non-authorised access or data theft.

When the registration is required for using any of our services, you may choose a personal password. You are the sole responsible for safeguarding the password you use to access to the Service and for any activities or actions under your password. You agree to inform Pyckio as soon as possible about the non-authorised use of your username and personal password or any malfunction within the security system. Pyckio will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the failure to comply with the above.

Changes to the Terms of Service 

Pyckio may amend or modify these Terms of Service at any time and without notice. You will be informed about these changes at least one (1) month before the changes become effective. 

These changes may be done by any legal means and they will be compulsory for you since they were published on the Website. These changes will not affect any action taken before they were approved.

Waiver and severability 

If any provision of these Terms of Service is deemed or at any time becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms of Service, which shall remain in full force and effect.

No waiver of any term of this these Terms of Service shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term, and Pyckio’s failure to assert any right or provision under these Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction 

These Terms of Service shall be governed by the Spanish Law. Any claim or dispute between you and Pyckio arising in whole or in part from the provision of the Service shall be decided exclusively by a court of competent jurisdiction located in Madrid (Spain). Whether you have the condition of a consumer, the jurisdiction will be established according to the Consumer legislation.



1. General Information

This Website uses cookies to improve your experience during the provision of the Service. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer’s browser directory or on your personal device when you visit These files cannot damage your devices. Cookies allow the webmaster to store and to recover information about your use of the Website in order to improve the quality of the Service.

The object of the implementation of the cookies is to provide a proper performance of the Website. Without cookies enabled we cannot guarantee that the provision of the Service whilst visiting the Website is as we intended to be. Additionally, cookies allow your preferences to be collected and to obtain information about your experience.

The information below will help you to understand the different types of cookies used by Pyckio. 

2. List  of cookies

 Tables published below set out the information about cookies used at the Website by Pyckio:



 You can allow, block or delete the cookies installed in your device by modifying the options available at the browser settings. You can get more information by clicking in the links below:     4. Browser settings

  • For further information about Microsoft Internet Explorer, click here
  • For further information about Mozilla Firefox, click here
  • For further information about Google Chrome, click here
  • For further information about Safari, click here
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